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Employer Toolkits

The following kits have been created to help employers equip employees with the pension plan information needed at certain stages of life. The resources and links provided below can be worked into your human resources processes or shared directly with employees.

Visit the Employer Contributions section of the website to better understand how both you and your employees are contributing to their retirement future.


Welcome to LAPP! The following resources will help new LAPP members, or members who have recently changed employers, understand their pension and how LAPP is helping them prepare for retirement.

Video: Welcome to LAPP

Watch a member get a surprise visit from the future and learn about some important things to know when you join LAPP.

Video: Your Pension Journey

Join Benny, LAPP’s pension guru, as he takes you on a quick tour of the LAPP website. Learn where you can find everything you will ever need to know about your pension, no matter where you are in your journey.

Video: Your LAPP Pension: A Piece of the Puzzle

Planning for retirement is a marathon not a sprint, but it’s never too early to start! Watch the video to learn about the value of your plan and how LAPP makes it easy to plan in advance.

Welcome Checklist (PDF)

A handy to-do list for when you join LAPP.

LAPP At-a-Glance (PDF)

A quick reference guide about your pension plan.

Member Handbook (PDF)

A downloadable version of the LAPP member handbook, which overviews how your Plan works.


Do you have an employee who is preparing to retire? The following resources will help them make informed decisions about their employee pension and ensure they make the best decision for their future.

Fast Track: Pension Options

We created a Fast Track video series to help you understand your pension options. Start with the Pension Options video and continue with the Single Lifetime and Joint Lifetime videos to continue learning:

Fast Track: Single Lifetime Pension Options

Fast Track: Joint Lifetime Pension Options

Retirement Checklist

Keep track of the steps to retirement with this simple checklist.

What to Expect in Retirement

The LAPP website is full of information to help you prepare for retirement, including:

Pension payment dates

Will my pension amount ever change?

Income tax considerations



If you stop participating in LAPP, whether due to a career change or moving to a job that doesn't include LAPP membership, you have choices available for what to do with your LAPP benefits. We’ve compiled some resources to guide you through this life change.

Fast Track Video: Remember to Breathe

Watch this Fast Track video to see Sarah work through next steps after her job layoff.

Termination Checklist

A quick reference guide to understanding your Termination Statement.

What to Read

The LAPP website is full of information that can help you make the best long-term decision for you about your pension, including:

Changes in Your Work Life

Start here to read more about your options when Leaving the Plan.

Card titled Your Life With LAPP

In This Section

Discover information and tools to help you understand and manage your LAPP pension through every step of your career.


Card Titled Your Plan is in Good Hands

In This Section

Read all about the governance, oversight, and operational functions that ensure your LAPP pension is on track.


Card titled Your Pension is Secure

In This Section

Learn how the LAPP pension fund is professionally managed to provide you with a secure retirement income.
