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LAPP Corporation

As the administrator and trustee of the Plan, LAPP Corporation ensures pensions are paid to retirees and that our 304,451 members are guided in preparing for retirement. This is done by providing strategic guidance for the Plan, managing risk, and overseeing the over $63.3 billion LAPP fund. The Corporation is led by a leadership team made up of experts skilled in all facets of running a large multi-sector pension plan, including risk management, investments, funding management, pension law, pension policy, stakeholder relations, and communications.

The Corporate team monitors pension developments around the world, researches issues and makes policy, funding, and operational recommendations to its Corporate Board. LAPP Corporation also prepares its Corporate Board and the Sponsor Board for making important decisions about the pension plan by setting and executing strategic business and operational plans and maintaining a robust, enterprise-wide risk-management system.

LAPP Corporation is responsible for directing and overseeing the work of service providers for the Plan to ensure the delivery of pension benefits and the long-term sustainability of the Plan. These two legislated Alberta Crown corporations, which you can learn more about in the section called Our Partners, separately provide pension benefit administration and investment management services to LAPP.

LAPP Corporation publishes the Plan’s Annual Report each year, which contains audited financial statements and highlights of the year’s activities. The Corporation sets the strategic direction for Plan communications, and consults and communicates with all stakeholders through our website as well as publications including the Member and Retiree Newsletters.

LAPP Corporation is guided by bylaws and policies that outline rules of ethical conduct and conflicts of interest. Documents such as compensation, expenses, financial statements, and bylaws can be found in Governance Publications.

LAPP Leadership Team

Troy Mann

President & CEO

Gosia Talanczuk

Vice President, Investment Policy & Oversight

John Bercsenyi

Vice President, Pension Policy & Funding

Darcy Atkinson

Vice President, Finance & Risk

Nicole Martel

Vice President, Stakeholder Relations & Communications

Imran Hussainaly

Vice President, Corporate Affairs and General Counsel

Card Titled Your LAPP Library

In This Section

Try out the LAPP Pension Estimator and access printable forms, member newsletters, annual reports, investment information and more.


Card Titled Your Plan has Value

In This Section

Gain valuable information on how your pension works to support you in retirement.


Card Titled Your Life with LAPP

In This Section

Discover information and tools to help you understand and manage your LAPP pension through every step of your career.
