Woman doing yoga while thinking about her pension journey

Your Plan has Value

LAPP is the not-for-profit pension plan dedicated to helping all Albertans retire with dignity.

At a time when the majority of Canadians do not have access to any workplace pension, your LAPP pension comes with the peace of mind knowing it guarantees a secure income that will last throughout your entire retirement.

At LAPP we talk a lot about the value of your Plan because we believe it's the best kind of pension available today. We want you to know why that is and to help you understand its value well enough to explain it to others.

So how does your Plan have value? Here are the ways you're Always a LAPP Ahead:

  1. Your LAPP pension is for life;
  2. Your LAPP pension is predictable;
  3. Your employer contributes 1% more than you;
  4. Your pension grows each year to help protect against inflation;
  5. You can choose to retire early; and
  6. Your pension is stable and secure.

Read more about these six core values in the following pages to gain a better understanding of how your pension will help support you in retirement. You'll learn what we believe makes a Defined Benefit (DB) pension plan better than any other kinds of retirement savings models. It will help give you peace of mind and set you off on your own path to planning the retirement you want.

Card Titled Your Secure Pension Profile

In This Section

Your Pension Profile allows you to view your information, send documents, and request assistance and more via Secure Messages!


Card Titled Your Life with LAPP

In This Section

Discover information and tools to help you understand and manage your LAPP pension through every step of your career.


Card Titled Your Plan is in Good Hands

In This Section

Read all about the governance, oversight, and operational functions that ensure your LAPP pension is on track.
