You might be on your last lap at work and approaching the finish line of retirement. You're entitled to a lifetime LAPP pension at retirement, but there are several things you'll want to know and consider.
Every LAPP member is able to take their unreduced pension on or after their 65th birthday. This is considered the 'normal retirement age' in the Plan.
Based on a member’s retirement plan, they should consider which option is better: collecting an early reduced pension to receive pension payments sooner or waiting to collect an unreduced pension at a later date.
The earliest LAPP members can begin their pension is their 55th birthday. Retiring early like this normally means that the amount of pension you receive is reduced. You can retire early with an unreduced pension, though, if you have enough pensionable service to meet something called 'the 85 factor.'
You may have the option of starting your pension earlier than age 55 if you become disabled and stop contributing to the Plan.
85 Factor (aka 85 Points)
If your age at retirement and your total years of pensionable service added together equal at least 85 points, then you're entitled to an unreduced LAPP pension as early as your 55th birthday.
You can begin your pension as early as age 55, but the amount of the monthly pension you receive will be reduced (unless you meet the 85 factor).
The amount of the reduction is 3% per year multiplied by the lower number of:
The following example demonstrates how the early retirement reduction is calculated for a member deciding to retire early with the following age and pensionable service:
Calculate the number of years it would take her to reach age 65, AND the number of years until she reaches 85 points.
Use the lower number (7 Years) to calculate the total pension reduction rate:
Determine the member's monthly pension with the reduction applied:
For this example, if this member waited to start her pension upon reaching 85 points or age 65 (the 'normal retirement age' in the Plan), her unreduced pension would be $1,000 per month ($12,000 annually).
Based on the pension reduction calculated in STEP 2, her pension will be subject to an early retirement reduction of 21%, which results in her pension being $790 per month ($9,480 annually).
You must begin your LAPP pension no later than December 31 of the year in which you turn 71.
This does not mean you have to stop working for your LAPP employer if you want to continue working. What it does mean is that you have to begin your pension payments.
Only you can answer this! It will be different for everyone and can depend on a lot of different factors:
It's a lot to consider, but thankfully we do have some tools to help you.
This will give you an idea of how much more you could receive by continuing to work for a period of time. Estimates can be a great help in figuring out the best date for you to retire.
You'll also want to consider how other forms of income — such as Old Age Security, the Canada Pension Plan, and any personal investments — will affect your finances once you have retired.
There are other resources throughout the Thinking of Retiring section, and you can always get in touch via Secure Messages or via one of the other ways to contact us if you have any questions about your LAPP pension.
Try out the LAPP Pension Estimator and access printable forms, member newsletters, annual reports, investment information and more.
Your Pension Profile allows you to view your information, send documents, and request assistance and more via Secure Messages!
Read all about the governance, oversight, and operational functions that ensure your LAPP pension is on track.