LAPP Corporation is the administrator and trustee of the Plan. The Plan’s sponsors, the employees (LAPP members) and employers (LAPP employers) who contribute into the Plan, appoint representatives to the Corporation’s Board of Directors and the Sponsor Board.
Each of these bodies within LAPP’s governance structure play an integral role in ensuring the LAPP fund is secure and that your pension will be there when you retire. A notable aspect of LAPP’s joint governance is that equal say is given to Plan sponsors who also jointly share the risks.
The Boards and the Corporation management focus on what is good for LAPP members and the Plan’s health and sustainability. These are the elements that make up LAPP’s present-day governance structure:
The Sponsor Board and LAPP Corporation, together with its Board of Directors, have a unique set of responsibilities:
Sponsor Board
LAPP Corporation and its Corporate Board
LAPP is registered under the Alberta Employment Pension Plans Act (EPPA), and the LAPP Plan Text is our legal governing document detailing the benefits and administration rules of LAPP.
Learn how the LAPP pension fund is professionally managed to provide you with a secure retirement income.
Try out the LAPP Pension Estimator and access printable forms, member newsletters, annual reports, investment information and more.
Gain valuable information on how your pension will help support you in retirement.