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Corporate Board

LAPP Corporation, overseen by the Corporate Board of Directors, is the administrator and trustee of the Plan. The Corporation is responsible for the administration of the pension benefit and to ensure that pensions are paid to members, which is done by providing strategic guidance for the Plan, managing risk, and ensuring the long-term sustainability of LAPP.

The Corporate Board Directors are nominated by the employee (LAPP member) and employer (LAPP employer) sponsor groups, and are responsible for establishing a Statement of Investment Policies and Procedures (SIPP) which outlines the asset allocation for the fund, based on the risk appetite set by the Sponsor Board.

LAPP Corporate Board

Terry Agoto


Terry is nominated by the Alberta Union of Provincial Employees.

Darren Sander

Vice Chair

Darren is nominated by Alberta Health Services.

Victor Banfield

Board Member

Victor is nominated by the Health Sciences Association of Alberta.

Robert Bhatia

Board Member

Robert is nominated by Alberta Health Services.

Steve Bradshaw

Board Member

Steve is nominated by the Alberta Federation of Labour.

Noelle Devlin

Board Member

Noelle is nominated by the City of Edmonton.

Peter Marsden

Board Member

Peter is nominated by the Canadian Union of Public Employees.

Robert Nicolay

Board Member

Robert is nominated by Alberta Municipalities.

Carolyn Olson

Board Member

Carolyn is nominated by the United Nurses of Alberta (UNA).

Antonia Stiuca

Board Member

Antonia is nominated by the Alberta School Boards Association.

Joanne Weninger

Board Member

Joanne is nominated by LAPP Corporation.

Ronda White

Board Member

Ronda is nominated by Alberta Health Services.

Card Titled Your Plan has Value

In This Section

Gain valuable information on how your pension will help support you in retirement.


Card Titled Your Pension is Secure

In This Section

Learn how the LAPP pension fund is professionally managed to provide you with a secure retirement income.


Card Titled Your Life with LAPP

In This Section

Discover information and tools to help you understand and manage your LAPP pension through every step of your career.
